For Unions

This program is designed for Union members who want to unite with other union members to combine their funds for the purpose of creating more job security for all union members. By combining funds, union members create a powerful tool when dealing with for profit corporations. To find out more about how we plan to use the combined funds we receive from our "Unions" merchandise sales, just read about each project's description.


eProject #1 Project Big Boom is designed as an emergency operation to be employed in the event of a oil spill.

eProject #2 Full Scale Clean Up is designed to work in conjunction with our previous emergency project Big Boom, where as is assist in the actual clean up of the spilled oil that is outside of the containment zone project big boom is designed to handle.

eProject #3 Replenish Water is designed to replenish the dwindling water supply at any inland lake such as lake Meade. The way it works is we will purchase a convoy of water trucks and tankers to travel to and from the location where icebergs are melting. we will transport the melted iceberg fresh water supply to the lake.

eProject #4 Recycle City

eProject #5 Containment Zone

eProject #6 Utility Water

eProject #7 Utility Sewer

eProject #8 Utility Electrical

eProject #9 Utility Water &Sewer Line

eProject #10 Utility Communications